The grace

 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

 And the love of God,

 And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,

 Be with us all evermore,



“We are being encouraged to keep our bodies fit and well during this time and it is important that our spiritual life is well cared for as well.
Because we are unable to worship together it is up to each of us to look after our own faith.
I commend the Daily Office ie- ‘Morning and Evening Prayer’.
If you have a Book of Common Prayer, An Australian Prayer Book or A Prayer Book for Australia at home, you will find the ‘Order for Morning and Evening Prayer’ in all three of our Prayer Books. You will need to have your Bible as well. Make a plan, how often, what time of the day. I suggest one Office a Day and be regular and as disciplined as possible, so you get into a routine. If you do not have a Prayer Book but do have a Bible you can still say the Office. Start with a Psalm, Old Testament Reading, New Testament Reading, Prayer followed with the Lord’s Prayer, a time of reflection then say the Grace.
Start with Psalm 1 you will find the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament, choose your favourite books of the Bible and read a chapter at each Office.
• I commend the Parish Council for introducing this Parish Newsletter, and the Editor Lorraine King. Let’s use it to keep us together, but most of all to sustain our own faith and the extraordinary faith community of Holy Trinity which is precious to us all.
• We are a talented bunch of people and I will be inviting members of the parish who have a special skill to share it with us so we too may learn, grow and be sustained in a positive way through a stressful and anxious time for many.
• We proclaim a gospel of hope, love, light and security in Christ Jesus, the world is calling out for that now, may HTPM be a beacon of light and love.”



Many of you will know Doreen and Mel who visit each summer from England to spend time with their daughter who lives in Port Melbourne.  Whilst here they worship at Holy Trinity and Doreen recently emailed in response to the update regarding Noel’s travel plans.  With her permission, part of her email is included here:

“Please give everyone our best wishes and pray that we shall all be able to meet up again in the forthcoming year with the virus 😷 well under control if not a thing of the past!!
I have rather enjoyed reading “Psalm 91” which is about the Lords protection in times of plague and pestilence! I am encouraged with the idea of him covering us with his feathers and us finding refuge under his wings.”     Doreen


THE Sixth SUNDAY IN LENT – palm Sunday


Isaiah 50: 4 – 9a

Psalm 31: 9 – 18

Philippians 2: 5 – 11

LITURGY OF THE PALMS:   Matthew 21: 1 – 11


With our churches closed for worship many have found interesting church services on the internet. Please share them with us, so we may worship together. Provide easy directions please as many of us are new to using technology in this way.

  • St Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne – . Each Sunday St Paul’s will livestream their 10am Choral Eucharist.  Previous services can also be accessed through this website.
  • Noel advises that Fr Andrew Davis in the UK tells him that Hereford Cathedral produces a wonderful Choral Evensong. Follow the ‘Music and Worship” link to ‘Webcasts’.


The Monday night Meditation Sessions led by Jill in the church cannot go ahead at the moment due to

the restrictions in place.  Below is a meditation you can try at home:


As I breathe in deeply, I say Breath of God

As I breathe out deeply, I say Breathe in me.

I recognise the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God,

Breathing in me at this time.


The sick: All people affected by the coronavirus, Judith, Jeanette, Sophia E., Ken B., Peter B., Gordon C., Nicole, Darren, Jorgia, Max, Margaret B., Jill, M.S., Marion, Liam, Beth J., Robbie P, Zac, Kate, Matthew P.

Those in long term need, sickness: Ken P, Peter D.G

For your prayers:

  • Holy Trinity Port Melbourne – for our presence in the local community;
  • Noel our priest, Genieve our Bishop, Philip our Archbishop;
  • St Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne, the Dean and staff;
  • Communities throughout the world, as we all manage and deal with the effects of the coronavirus on a global scale.


During this time of isolation when regular services are not being held, there is no  opportunity to collect offerings through the plate.  Also, due to the closure of the Op Shop and cancellation of Mini-Markets and Sausage Sizzles, the church’s income streams are greatly reduced.  Our regular outgoings each month are a little over $6,000 and so  the HTPM community is encouraged to still make regular financial contributions via bank transfers.  Bank account details are:

Account Name:               Holy Trinity Cheque Account

BSB:                                     033 018

Account Number:          101281

Please add ‘Collection Plate’ in the Reference section.