Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
10am: Eucharist with Hymns
Celebrant & Preacher: The Reverend Stephen Hill
Piano: Maree N’Diaye
Monday October 29 5.30pm: Meditation
Thursday November 1 ALL SAINTS DAY
Friday November 2 ALL SOULS DAY
Noel is on leave for the Sundays – 14th, 21st & 28th October 2018. The Reverend Stephen Hill will celebrate the Eucharist on those Sundays at 10am, and we thank Stephen for his services to Holy Trinity Port Melbourne.
** Please note that the church will not be open on Thursdays and Fridays during this period.**
The Farmyard Animal Nursery will be held on the church courtyard on Melbourne Cup Day – TUESDAY 6 November, from 11am – 2pm. This is a free event generously sponsored by Hunky Dory Fish Restaurant, Port Melbourne. Please tell your friends and neighbours!
The Op Shop will open regularly on Saturdays – 11am to 2pm. We need good quality clothing for sale – men’s, women’s children’s, all styles and varieties plus shoes etc. Other items of bric-a-brac are also welcome. Goods can be left at the church during opening hours. Volunteers to help on a roster are also welcomed!!
*** HOLY TRINITY FETE – Saturday November 24! ***
Our annual Parish Fete is FAST approaching! Only FOUR weeks away!
How will you be involved?
We need:
Volunteers for all stalls: bric-a-brac, books, cakes, plants, clothes, sausage sizzle.
Potted plants: the best selling plants are colourful and in flower – speak to Helen.
Cakes, slice, biscuits, jams, chutneys: Bags & Ties will be available at Church on Sunday November 11 and November 18 or speak to Lorraine;
ENTHUSIASM: This is a major fundraiser, but perhaps even more importantly it is a fantastic community event that is commented on by many people who come along. We need everyone to be involved.
ABM PEW REFLECTIONS – Sunday October 28
Perhaps the most difficult thing in the Christian’s life is to submit to the will of God and to acknowledge God’s sovereignty over all. Few of us will suffer what Job suffered, but his story serves to illustrate that our challenges are not without purpose nor is our perseverance in our faith and trust in God without recognition. Even the blind man had to call out to Jesus twice before he was healed!
Pray that we can empty ourselves of ourselves, thereby allowing us to taste and see that the Lord is good!
Text: The Reverend Laurette Glasgow, Special Advisor for Government Relations for the Anglican Church of Canada and the Diocese of Ottawa.
© Anglican Board of Mission, 2018