The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
10am Eucharist with hymns
Celebrant & Preacher: Bishop Philip Huggins
Piano: Ping Chew
Jeremiah 31: 27 – 34
Psalm 119: 97 – 104
2 Timothy 3: 10 – 17, 4: 1 – 5
Luke 18: 1 – 14
132 Holy, holy, holy
590 What a friend we have in Jesus
640 Yesu, Yesu
613 Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy
This Week
Monday 17 October, 5.30pm Meditation
Sunday, October 30: ‘Solace’ 12 noon – 12.45 pm Saturday
November 12: HTPM Mini-market *** NB Please note the change of date! ***
Sunday, November 27: HTPM Parish Statutory Meeting (AGM)
PARISH STATUTORY MEETING – Sunday, November 27 @ 12 noon
This meeting will be held in person after church on Sunday, November 27. In the next few weeks Nomination Forms will be
available for the election of Churchwardens, Parish Council Members, and Parish Incumbency Committee. Please consider.
This year marks the tenth running of the Community Christmas Tree Festival that is held at Holy Trinity Balaclava. Members
of the community and local organisations are encouraged to create and decorate a Christmas Tree, and the church will be open from Thursday 8 December to Sunday 11 December for visitors to view the range of beautiful Christmas Trees in this lovely
heritage-listed church. Is there anyone interested in organising a Holy Trinity Port Melbourne Christmas Tree ?! ���
DONATIONS FOR BASP (Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project)
In the latest BASP newsletter there was information about the donations that are currently needed: – Emphasis on VOUCHERS so that people can choose their own food and groceries. – Sugar, cooking oil, salt & pepper, tea, coffee, herbs and spices, long-life milk, noodles, rice. – Household goods such as tinfoil, pegs, toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap deodorants, and GARBAGE BAGS and BIN LINERS -all sizes. *** PLEASE NOTE *** – THEY HAVE ENOUGH TINNED FOOD (esp. soup). NO TINS ARE NEEDED AT THIS POINT IN TIME.
STAINED GLASS WINDOW PRESENTATION – Saturday 22 October, 10 am – 2 pm 2022 is the International Year of Glass! This Saturday, Dr Bronwyn Hughes OAM will give a presentation at St Kilda Presbyterian Church – 2 Alma Rd (corner Barkly St) as part of their Open Day. In addition to Bronwyn, Ray Brown will give a presentation
on Ferguson & Urie – Melbourne stained glass makers to 1899. Ray is a descendant of Ferguson and has collected many historic photos. A local choir – ‘One Voice for God’ will provide music, and GLAAS Inc. Prahran is organising a display of glass art. Long-standing HTPM members may remember that in 2016 Bronwyn (who is a highly esteemed stained glass windows historian) wrote an illustrated description of the beautiful stained glass windows in our own church. This booklet can be downloaded on
the HTPM website