Sunday 17 April 2022


10am                                Eucharist with hymns

Celebrant & Preacher:     Bishop Philip Huggins

Piano:                                 Maree N’Diaye

 Readings:                      Acts 10: 34 – 43

Psalm 118: 1 – 2, 14 – 24

1 Corinthians 15: 19 – 26

John 20: 1 – 18

Hymns:                             361         The Day of Resurrection!

362        Jesus Christ is risen today, alleluia!

147        To God be the glory, great things He has done!

372        Jesus lives!


Monday in Easter Week              18 April

Tuesday in Easter Week              19 April

Wednesday in Easter Week        20 April

Thursday  in Easter Week          21  April       6pm  Parish Council Meeting

Friday in Easter Week                 22  April

Saturday in Easter Week            23 April


EMERGENCY APPEAL – UKRAINE CRISIS (National Council of Churches in Australia)

Act for Peace’ is the international humanitarian agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA).  ‘Act for Peace’ has organised an emergency appeal for the Ukraine crisis that will help to provide urgently needed food, medicine and temporary shelter to displaced families.

*** Brochures that include further information and details of how to donate are on the entry table opposite the notice board. ***

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING  –  THIS Thursday:  21 April @ 6pm

The April meeting of the Parish Council will be held THIS Thursday at 6pm in the church.


The donations are once again gathering in the donation basket at the entry table.  Many thanks to all who have contributed and as soon as the basket is full, all donations will be taken to the BASP office in Albert Park.

A list of required items is on the noticeboard opposite the entry table.


A reminder that the Monday Meditation Group does not meet during school holidays.  The group will resume on Monday 25 April at 5.30pm in the church.

THE MELBOURNE ANGLICAN  (TMA)                                                                                                                        

Copies of the April edition of the diocesan newspaper are now available at the entry table.

TMA’s ‘The NewsStand’  

‘The NewsStand’ is the TMA Online selection of the week’s news and views on faith from Australia and around the world.  To access, use the following link: .       The current edition includes:

  • For every silver lining, there’s a cloud for refugees in Australia;
  • As bombs fall, Muslims in Ukraine face a difficult Ramadan.