Sunday Service
The First Sunday of Lent
10 am Eucharist with hymns
Celebrant & Preacher: The Reverend Noel Whale
Piano: Ping Chew
Monday 7 March 5.30pm Meditation
Saturday 12 March 4pm in Sydney The wedding of Jesse Tattersall and Min Xian Zhu
LENT 2022
Lent is a penitential season in preparation for the Festival of Easter. The Order of the Liturgy is changed during Lent- there are no Alleluias, the Gloria in Excelsis is not said or sung and instead the Trisagion on Page 121 is said. The Preparation, the Words of Approach, the Confession and Absolution are all said in the centre of the Liturgy. The Second Sentences are said where there is an option to do so, and the Anthems and Invitation to Communion on Page 146 are used. There are no flowers in the sanctuary during Lent and the Liturgical colour is purple or blue. Holy Pictures and Icons and the cross are veiled in Holy Week. Lent is a more meditative and reflective season of the church year and the liturgy tries to encourage this sense and atmosphere. Do have a gentle and positive Lent in these turbulent times.
Noel’s final Service at Holy Trinity will be on SUNDAY 27 March at 2pm. There will not be a morning service that day. Following the Eucharist a Farewell Afternoon Tea/ Drinks Party will be held and all are welcome to attend.
… will be organised by the Archbishop and Bishop Genieve in consultation with the parish members of the Incumbency Committee, Debra Kerr, Craig Petersen and Jill Mahar.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – Friday 4 March 2022
The annual WORLD DAY OF PRAYER service for our region was held at St Luke’s in South Melbourne on Friday. The countries in focus were Wales, Northern Island and England. This was a wonderful opportunity to share with other congregations in our locality including Anglican (St Luke’s, Parish of the Parks in Albert Park), Catholic (St Joseph’s in Port Melbourne, Our Lady of Mt Carmel in Middle Park) and Uniting (Southport Uniting). HTPM was well represented, and all present enjoyed morning tea afterwards and an opportunity to make connections on a personal level. The 2023 WDOP will focus on Taiwan and be facilitated by the Southport Uniting Church.
Our donations to the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project (BASP) in Albert Park have been delivered and were GRATEFULLY received. The donation container at the entry table is once again awaiting a new batch of donations! ☺️
A list of required donations is on the noticeboard opposite the entry table and includes non-perishable food items, toiletries and cleaning products. PLEASE NO FOOD ITEMS BEYOND THEIR ‘USE BY’ DAT
Members of the HTPM community are encouraged to make regular financial contributions so that parish life can be maintained. Contributions can be offered either through the plate at church or via bank transfers into our bank account.
Bank account details: Account Name: Holy Trinity Cheque Account (Westpac)
BSB: 033 018
Account Number: 101281
Please add ‘Collection Plate’ in the Reference section. MANY THANKS