Sunday 5 March 2023:        THE SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT

10 am: Eucharist with hymns

Celebrant and preacher: Reverend Joseph Emmanuel

Piano: Ping Chew


Sunday 12 March 2023: THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT

10 am: Eucharist with hymns

Celebrant and preacher: Bishop Philip Huggins

Piano: Jim Richardson


Sunday 19 March 2023: THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT

10 am: Eucharist with hymns

Celebrant and preacher: Bishop Philip Huggins

Piano: Helen Barry


Sunday 26 March 2023: THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT

10 am: Eucharist with hymns

Celebrant and preacher: Bishop Philip Huggins

Piano: Maree N’Diaye




A list is at the entry table for names of anyone who would like to help in opening the church up through the week, so that members of the community can come in to pray and light a candle.  There must always be two people at any one time.  Please consider this opportunity to offer a prayerful presence in our community.


PALM SUNDAY WALK FOR JUSTICE FOR REFUGEES 2023 – Sunday 2 April 2023 @ 1.30 pm

This event begins at the State Library (corner of Swanston and Latrobe Streets) on April 2 @ 1.30 pm.  There will be music until 2 pm.  Following the music, there will be speeches, and then the walk will go to Parliament Gardens for more music and speeches.

Melbourne Anglicans can meet at 1.50 pm in front of the State Library under the diocesan banner, ‘Anglicans Walking Together – Justice for Refugees’.


DONATIONS FOR BASP (Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project)

We are again collecting for BASP – collection container at the entry table.  Please ONLY the following: Tea, coffee, honey, noodles, sweet and savory biscuits, basmati rice (1kg), sugar (1kg), oil (olive and vegetable), salt, pepper, herbs and spices (coriander/cinnamon/ginger).

Toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorants, shampoo and conditioner, shaving cream and shavers, glad wrap, tin foil, and pegs.

Garbage bags, bin liners (small and large), washing powder, dishwashing detergents, and household cleaning products.

VOUCHERS to Coles and Woolworths – any denomination.  Please forward to Lorraine.



These reflection booklets from ‘Anglican Overseas Aid’ are available at the entry table – please take one!


HOLY TRINITY LUNCH – Sunday, March 12

All are invited to lunch at the pub after church on Sunday, March 12!  Venue still to be confirmed.  Please speak to Jen for more information.


PARISH COUNCIL – Wednesday, March 15

The March meeting of the HTPM Parish Council will be held in the church on Wednesday, March 15 @ 6 pm.